Saturday, May 9, 2009

A gruesome reminder about why we are a voice for kangaroos

Here is an extremely distressing and sickening reminder about why we are doing what we are doing for kangaroos.
In the middle of the night a few weeks ago, I awoke to hear shooting to the north west of our farm. Unfortunately that is not unusual in the bush.
The next day, I went out on the motorbike to check fences along that side of the farm just to make sure no kangaroos had been caught in their desperate attempt to get away from the frightening ordeal.
To my horror, as I looked over into a neighbour’s property, I saw a dead kangaroo lying in the grass. I looked along the fence line and could see a second body lying there. I rode a bit further and found a body lying beaten and with smashed legs. You can imagine how devastated I was feeling by now. Was that another 2 bodies just over there? I walked up the fence and yes there they were, one even had a little foot and tail of a lifeless joey hanging out of her pouch. Oh hell, this was the most horrible, ghastly, shocking experience but nothing compared to what these beautiful beings had suffered. What had they been through?
Through my tears, I rode home and grabbed my camera. Here are 4 of the photos.

That evening I rang the neighbour, who doesn’t live on that block of land, to see if he knew there had been shooters on his property. He had actually been out there that day and had found 6 dead kangaroos. Someone had broken the lock on his gate.
I reported it to the local police and to National Parks & Wildlife Service. No-one could do anything at that stage.
Sometimes there are ‘professional ‘shooters out there, sometimes farmers have permits to shoot kangaroos or sometimes people are out there shooting ducks, rabbits, foxes, signs, posts, buildings, trees or anything they can sort of see in their drunken stupor. This was the work of some very cruel, calculating and callous low-lifes.
I rang all the neighbours and discussed what had happened and the cruelty involved. I said that if I heard shooting again, I would report it to the police at the time and that hopefully they would be able to come out and catch the bastards.
****Wouldn’t it be fantastic if we had some decent laws in this world to severely punish those who commit such animal cruelty and murder?
****Wouldn’t it be fantastic if the attitude of Australians, towards kangaroos, was that of utmost respect and reverence?


  1. Hi Susie, Reading this made me soo angry, I don't get it, I just don't get it, Why do humans have to be so cruel?! Why do humans have this urge to shoot anything & everything!?
    I had a conversation recently contemplating what Earth would be like without humans.. It wouldn't be such a bad thing really! Nature would just get on with living...

  2. yes so right, so right. No other species is so calculating and intentionally cruel and yet we say how incredibly intelligent we are - duh!

  3. This makes me so sad to think that when I visited at the end of Feb. I probably will have seen these lovely animals bouncing about. You can rest assured that I will not give up with this and will do my best to fight for them even more so.....heart breaking.xx

  4. I agree, if humans weren't in the equation the world would be in safer hands with nature in charge. No other species would express barbaric behaviour like that for no reason other than the thrill of it. How terrible to have to deal with such a traumatic find.
